How to please a person of the aquarius? It's easy to seduce an aquarius but how hard is it to keep it. He loves his freedom, independence, its spaces in a disproportionate manner, sometimes exaggerated.
But you fall in love with him for his manners purposes, for his elegant demeanor, his way of dressing well. How to attract his attention? How to make an aquarius man and woman fall in love, attract him / her, seduce him / her? Do not know how to seduce, conquer, woo the sign of aquarius? Are you not able to understand how to approach, attract you, attention of a man or woman born under the sign of aquarius? Then read below some tips, ways, tricks to try a seduction as effective as possible. How do you fall in love and pleasure at an aquarius? Read and try to put into practice the suggestions.1. Ruled by the planets Saturn and Uranus the aquarius is actually a very wise person, or it becomes serious, however, with the passing of years. She loves having her personal space in the home, among friends, at work. So let him know that your in a possible relationship of the couple do not you stay too close. So in trying to woo him do not be too sticky, do not be exaggerated. Try it one day and then let it sit. Then try this one last time and let it sit for a few days. You will see that you will look after him.
2. The contacts, friendships are essential in the life of un aquarius. The concept of friendship is deeply rooted in him and then when you invite him to come out make sure that there are other people, and its your aici. always loves to make new friends. Invite him to parties, meetings with friends, concerts, short, where there is opportunity to make new contacts, but keep an eye on ... could escape.
3. And the truth is that the aquarius are not among the most loyal signs of the zodiac unless you have a sagittarius ascendant or capricorn or taurus. You need to be aware of this when we were together in courtship and not just talk to him about this topic. He would not know how to respond and you risk no longer see it because understand that you have discovered a weak point.
4. She loves doing the leader not the subordinate. In this work as in love. Try to discipline yourself and do not give him the initiative in making decisions. Could it be that his ideas are utopian but really do not think that it can not implement them. The aquarius are idealists, designers, inventors.
5. He loves technology and then what better gift than a tablet, smartphone, the latest generation of computer design, very eye-catching, futuristic. The best color is blue. The men of the sign could also accept a nice belt or jeans color blue. And the women? They are usually very smart and love to go to the hairdresser. Why not? Give them a free ticket for a haircut, a color change, etc ... Also a nice stylish scarf or gloves.
6. The real aquarius Themselves also like to give to the needy. It might be a good idea to involve them in projects of assistance in places of charities in your area, in your country. He loves this type of collaboration.
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