But having the planet Venus of birth in the sign of air Aquarius what does it mean, what affinity can be found in man as in woman, in male as in female? What is the meaning behind Venus in our birth chart, in our astrological chart? How is a person who has Venus in the astrological sign of Aquarius in love, in feelings, in affections and from which model of man or woman is attracted, how he loves, how is he faithful? What does it mean to have Venus in Aquarius in your birth chart? What characteristics has who possesses Venus in the sign Aquarius in his astral theme at the time of his birth? "I have Venus in Aquarius in my astral birth chart and then how do I live my feelings? Am I romantic or not? My son, my boyfriend, my partner, my wife, my co-worker, a friend of mine has natal Venus in Aquarius. Is it a favorable sign or not? What value does a Venus of birth in Aquarius have?" But what are the meanings of a twin Venus in the birth chart of a man or a woman? Venus often concerns the way we behave in love, how we manifest our feelings towards our partner, how faithful or not we can be, cold or affectionate and sweet in communicating our warmth.
Venus in Aquarius - meaning: this Venus is too libertine and can lead to being unfaithful with the partner, indeed to have more partners together without anyone knowing it outside of you. This Venus puts us in front of a person who is too untrustworthy that as soon as he has the chance he does not miss intimate encounters even if he is happily in a couple. Your excessive desire for freedom should not lead you to get married because you do not like the constraints unless you find a partner who is willing to forgive your escapades. Lies on the agenda with you and the problem that your partner also believes in you even if you often find incredibly utopian excuses for your lack of affection.
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