Where to find a good horoscope for 12 signs related to the autumn and winter months? Are you virgo sign, the sixth sign of the zodiac and sign of earth? Are you looking for the best forecasts horoscope, the most reliable astrological predictions regarding your sign and for the autumn and winter 2024 - 2025 and then for the month of October, November, December, January and February? How will be 2024 winter for those born under the sign of virgo? virgo winter will be lucky at work, in money, in relationships and in love then? "I want to know how it will be my 2024 autumn and winter for my virgo zodiac sign". "What are and where can you read the best winter astrological predictions, the most accurate for my virgo sign?". Below you can find the best and accurate 2024 - 2025 winter horoscope forecasts predictions for virgo divided for love, work - money and luck. What will bring Jupiter and Saturn in 12 signs of good or bad? Let's find out.
Jupiter is now in Gemini since May 2024 and this autumn winter 2024 2025 remains here. Meanwhile, Saturn transits in Pisces also for this autumn and winter. These transits will bring good luck to several zodiac signs, less luck to others. In order to have a forecast as precise as possible, it is necessary to keep in mind that of the your zodiacal ascendant. So read the prediction of your sun sign below but then read also the prediction of your ascendant that you can calculate here if you do not know it. By summarising your winter predictions for your sun sign and ascendant sign, you will be able to get more information and draw up a more reliable horoscope. Happy reading!
Download a free book on the forecasts for autumn and winter 2024 2025 here
Love virgo autumn - winter 2024 2025: with Saturn in opposition, therefore in the zodiacal sign Pisces, undoubtedly if you are thinking of ending your love affair then you are thinking the right thing but only if the relationship has been in clear crisis for some time, at least for a few months. Opposite Saturn brings to light everything that is wrong in a love relationship, misunderstandings, discomfort, lack of responsibility on both sides and if both people are very mature, then the road to separation will be inevitable. Even the positive influences of Venus will not be influential and therefore try to be cautious and if you are lonely hearts, do not hope to meet people who could be important in your life but be content to meet people with whom you can have occasional relationships. Mars in Cancer will give you a lot of magnetism but only for passionate adventures. Many of you will lose the enthusiasm of those times when love was born, becoming rather melancholic.
Career - money virgo autumn - winter 2024 2025: your professional life depends mainly on Saturn and Uranus. However, while Saturn is in opposition, Uranus is in trigon but the two planets are in sextile. So it could happen that you will find it very difficult to accept some changes at work, some renewals which will be necessary. You don't have to give up something new, but you will realise that you are faced with so many obstacles that it will be difficult to accept moving forward. If you have a good job, you may feel a great deal of fatigue and stress, perhaps because of the various responsibilities that will be added and which will not allow you to relax or enjoy yourself as much. If you are looking for a job, these autumn and winter months offer drive and energy, but the opportunities that come along may be too few and far between, or may not be worthy of the qualities you possess. In short, this autumn and winter will be very heavy and stressful, with little money coming in and a lot going out.
Luck - fitness virgo autumn - winter 2024 2025: unfortunately, with Saturn in opposition for the whole of this autumn and winter, it will not be easy for you to always feel in great physical shape; on the contrary, you should be very careful and not underestimate any physical discomfort. The smile on your lips will diminish and you won't enjoy yourself as much, you'll probably become very lonely or, if your character is very sociable, you'll try to find more time to be alone and find yourself again. Jupiter does not support you either, but Mars does, and it is during its transits in Cancer that you will be able to recover your energy, be very active, rediscover that optimism and desire to move forward that Saturn wants to take away from you. Long, exhausting journeys should be avoided because Saturn is really too heavy to find the time to neglect the many responsibilities that will arrive. If you are no longer young, you might notice a few more white hairs, while if you are very young, you will be faced with the first big responsibilities of life.
Work and money
Luck and fitness
2024 2025 winter for the 12 signs:
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