"Last night I dreamed of being chased by a stranger who was going to shoot me with a gun in the leg. What does this dream? Why I dreamed of being killed by a gunshot wound to the heart? Last night I was chased and shot in a dream? What does this mean? Last night I dreamed that I shot in the head and lost much blood. Why sometimes dream that I want to kill you, I want to annihilate physically or dream that they want to kill, to murder a friend of mine, a friend or a relative like my mother or my father?". What does it mean to dream of being shot in the chest, an arm, a hand, to the head? Sometimes when you make these dreams even you can also try real physical pain and we can wake up with my heart beating very strong because of fear. But what is behind such a death? Why you may be chased by someone we know or by a stranger who wants to shoot? And if we are in a dream to us to want to shoot someone? What is the meaning and interpretation given to these strange dreams?
Of course, when you shoot the intention is to hurt the person or to kill her. So in the latter case we are faced with a death. Death in a dream as we know it can be likened to a change that is going to happen in the dreamer's life or that of the person who is murdered. For example short and to understand how these dreams to the limit of the nightmare to be positive and not negative, many people say they have dreamed of a relative or friend who was killed by a gunshot fired by someone and after a few weeks they received the invitation to the wedding of this relative or friend. So we are faced with dreams that may indicate changes also positive, favorable.
If we are the dreamers to shoot someone we know then maybe we will be the architects of change that will cover that person or even ourselves. Sometimes you can groped to shoot but you can not hit the person and kill her. These dreams they want to tell us that perhaps the time for change has not yet come, and we must wait and not be in a hurry. Hitting a person with safety even at close range may mean that you will make a fundamental decision and you will be assured of the change to be implemented in their lives.
But when you do not shoot someone in the leg, an arm, the heart, the head what can it mean? The legs and arms are always related to work but also to our creativity. If we shot in the leg or arm, and we lose a lot of blood, maybe even trying sorrow, we must think of the changes that are happening at work that may not be positive. Often these dreams after you lose a job, or it decreases. But blood loss as we know it is often associated with a decline of energy and then being shot in the head may mean that we are facing a period quite heavy, in which we lack the strength. Finally it may happen to be shot in the chest and then to the heart. These dreams may indicate the end of a love story, a drastic change in our emotional and sentimental story.
Have you had another dream? Do you want to read an interpretation of it? Look in the dictionary of dreams this site the item that you have dreamed and read the interpretation. If you do not find anything you perform a search on one of best dedicated website to the world of dreams and not only, ilmigliorweb.blogspot.com. If you want more clarification on a dream or nightmare that you can write using the contact form and we'll try to answer you as soon as possible.
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